All in one thing needed for plant care. These are growth promoters and fulfill basic requirements of your plants. 🌿🌿
✔️Improves Flowering
✔️Promotes Growth
✔️Protects Plant & Its Root From Maggots And White Ants
✔️Biodegradable Repellent
✔️100% Organic & Natural Product
✔️Provides Minerals & Nutrition
1. AMINOZ FOLIAR is a harmless and active natural product having concentrated combination of 18 vital Amino Acids. It improves flowering controls fruit dropping and enhances quality of produce by improving weight size and color in all types of crops. Giving higher fruit yield. It promotes growth enhances root zone vitality, improves plant resilience to heat stress and also enhances sugar accumulation rates and fruit coloring. It supports beneficial soil microorganisms.
2. HUMICARE FOLIAR is natural organic matter derived from plant break down by microbial action. It typically contains Heterocyclic compounds with Carboxylic, Phenolic, Alcoholic and Carbonyl function. It is recommended for all types of crops including cereals, oilseed, pulses, etc.
3. NYZME FOLIAR spray provides nutritional value to The plant It is made up of natural organic matter, sea weeds a. Neem oil which contains Nimibidol and makes soil fertile and protects plant roots from nematode, soil grubs and white ants. Nyzme Foliar helps in microbial degradation of organic matter and i6 chelating effects facilitate translocation of macro and micro nutrient, present in soil. It also enhances shoot formation in new plants. The liquid solution is easy and convenient to spray.
4. A7A_D 1500 is a Neem derived broad-spectrum pesticide containing Aradirachtin and other Neem active elements like Limonoids. It acts as a repellent and antifeedant disrupting at different stager in life -cycle of more than 400 species of insects. It is a non-toxic and completely biodegradable natural pesticide.
How to Apply?
Mix 5-7 drops in a litre of water and spray on plants directly.
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SKU: 10123
₹999.00 Regular Price
₹750.00Sale Price
About Us
Mission - To provide a complete solution for organic waste collection, segregation, processing at the site (bulk waste generator), like group housing society, corporate houses, industrial houses, institutions, RWA (resident welfare associations), Hotels, etc.
Currently working on well being of cows by deleveloping self-dependent models for them
Contact Us
Office No-05, 2nd Floor, A-Square Mall, Sector 73, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201306
+91-8076858966 (10am-6pm)
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